Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wine Bottle Holders

We've been shopping now at a local grocery store that has these cute wine bottle holders to display your bottles of wine. DH & DW were never big wine connoisseurs but after our last get together posted in an earlier blog, we went through every bottle of wine we had in the house. It was a GREAT evening with friends that we will not forget. We have walked past these for several weeks now and DH commented on we need to get that one, and "OH look at that one over there". Well we broke down and HAD to have these. One is a bear that reminds us of home, and the other is of Mexican or is that French decent that we had to have. The bears name is Bubba & the Sombrero wearing figurine's name is Frenchie. We tried to find "Frenchie" with a pink sombrero or at least a shirt, but to no avail. We've never seen anything like these in MN. One of the employee's at the grocery store had helped us find our missing "Frenchie" As we were in the store the previous night and had spotted him. Tonight however "Frenchie" was missing & the female employee knew EXACTLY who we were talking about. As she pointed out "Frenchie" and handed him to us she commented "HOW TACKY". Look at the following blog re: rocks on head! Guess that's why DH had to have these. Yep, we thought this one is tacky & after a short car ride, he made himself at home.

We're hoping after a short time, that he'll make us breakfast, vacuum, clean the windows and walk the dogs!
"Para nuestros amigos. Los echamos mucho de menos."


Kaza and Frenchie said...

Have you ever seen a freaking french guy with a hat like that next to a damn catus!! LOL!!! I thought you were talkign about the bear being "frenchie" because of my hairy legs! Really cool though! Kaza was wondering if it was on the kitchen counter?

Anonymous said...

DH's mother says you are the way you are from drinking the turpentine when you were 3 years old and obviously they didn't get it all pumped out of your stomach.

T n A said...

Nice MOM! Kaza, Yes it's on our counter tops in the kitchen. Everytime we look at them it makes us smile.

Anonymous said...

Those are frickin hilarious...What is the Spanish supposed to say?

T n A said...

I think it was suppose to say "To our friends we miss you all" I just typed it into a translation link end that's not quite what we thought. LOL! It's been removed all together..... If you want, we can send ya one Elizabeth?

Anonymous said...

Sure. That would be awesome. You could put "Para nuestros amigos. Los echamos mucho de menos." That means what you were trying to say...I'm trying to convince Rodney that we need to take a trip down there since I've always wanted to see Arizona. Maybe in March we'll get the itch to get out of the cold.

T n A said...

We are getting confused here. the last comment was from elizabeth. We have TWO that post here & we want to make sure we get and know WHO the comments are from. elizabeth our CLOSE neighbor back in MN. and elizabeth "ISA" who we know just posted. If "ISA" could post under that name, it would make it MUCH easier for us to make sure we know exactlly who is making the post so we can respond accordingly..... Thanks for the spanish translation BTW. Gracias!