Saturday, September 22, 2007

It Actually Does Rain In Arizona!

Today, DH and DW woke at 7 a.m. to the sound of thunder. Yes, thunder! DW was so excited that it might actually rain that she took the dogs out early and lo and behold, it was sprinkling! Enough to actually coat the back patio!
In the 6 weeks we've been here, it hasn't rained at our house. One time we had about 20 raindrops hit the patio and it was done, but this was just a bit more than that! Here are 2 photos of our patio during the sprinkles!

The rain didn't bother Muncie, he ran around the yard as normal but Phoebe wasn't too fond of the rain and hid under a patio chair most of the time!
DW settled down about the rain and we headed into downtown Phoenix for a meeting DH had with a local business he does contract drawing work for. We arrived 1/2 hour early and scared the poor receptionist when we walked in because she forgot to lock the front door after one of their vendors left! DH met with the company owner and her husband and discussed what was needed for drawings for an upcoming event. DH is excited and has done drawings for the Phoenix Museum of Art and for his next project, he'll be doing some work for an event to be held here in Phoenix for the FBR Open golf tournament.
After DH's meeting, we went to the Phoenix Center in downtown. This is a neat little shopping area with grass and fountains all around and little shops where you can find all kinds of kitschy stuff!

After leaving downtown, we were caught in an actual rainstorm! It was pouring so hard, DH had a hard time seeing out the windshield! So of course when it ended, DW had to take a picture of the water!

We know back in MN that rain is no big deal, but when you go 6 weeks with no rain, this is a BIG deal!
On our way out of downtown, we were waiting at a stoplight on Grand. Now, Grand is a road you might really want to avoid when you are here. Almost every intersection has at least 5 roads converging at one point and in the photo below you can see the multiple stoplights above. And if you click on the photo and look between the 2 vehicles you can see a "magic truck" hauling about 6 matresses. "Magic Trucks" are the ones that are loaded down with #@$#@%#@% and nothing is strapped down! When you see one, you have to watch out for any coolers, rakes, or miscellaneous items that happen to bounce out of them!

We did some other shopping around town and found an amazing patio/pool store where they actually built a pool into the ground inside the store! Since we don't currently have a pool, we decided not to buy any pool accessories and instead went to a Halloween store where DH found this amazing underwater light/fog machine for our outdoor fountain! We're doing what we can to make this house feel like home! The light changes color and creates a misting effect so fine that it acts like a cauldron in the bottom of the fountain. It looks really cool. Below is a shot with the flash off and one with the flash.


charles said...

rain and fountains do one thing for me PEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had quite a day! I'm happy to hear that DH is doing well with work-
How interesting that rain should cause such a show! Yes here rain really isn't that big of a deal- although - my DH just returned from Ely, fishing. Ely has received no less than (get this) 17" in just under 10 days. Needless to say, it was rather soggy, misty, rainy and windy while they were up there. Which of course, due to all that rain, made for very, very poor fishing. They had a nice time but the fishing sucked. Oh well. There's always Mille Lacs in October!
I am leaving with my 3 sisters, mom and aunt on Tuesday for 3 days in Seattle! We are pumped!!! I haven't been there since 1999 and am SO ready to head back! We're flying out first class (courtesy of DBIL's brother who owns Sun Country), staying at the (ahem) Crown Plaza Seattle and of course, had to do some shopping prior to our trip so that we didn't fly out there lookin' like 'billies from the south... DH and DD2 will be here tending to the puppy (and boy, is she growing!). I'm sure they'll have a nice time while mom is gone (yeah, right!)

T n A said...

Glad to hear they made it home safely. Sorry to hear the weather wasn't co-operative for them. I'm sure they caught a few bottle bass however? We hope you have a GREAT time on your trip. "Billies from the south"? Hey we are from the south! LOL. We look forward to hearing how the trip went. Tell your DH that DH here misses the yardside chat's about all the upstanding residents in Oh-town And to tell the boy's in blue and a few in brown hello from him in AZ.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, DH and DW here both miss the yardside chats. I'm pumped to leave town tomorrow, my bag is almost packed and I'm debating on the shoes.... decisions, decisions. We received a boatload of rain tonight which unfortunately caused the Homecoming Week Powder Puff Football Game to be postponed till next Monday. But, at the time it was being cancelled, I had the entire girls sophomore team in my family room, munching on snacks, doing french braids in each others hair, applying war paint on their faces... quite a 'to-do.' So when word came it was postponed... well... you could have heard the groaning all the way to 333 E School! (OHS). With the game out of the way that only meant one thing.. "let's all go to AppleBees!" (still dressed in their matching t-shirts, war paint and braids...). I imagine they were quite a sight walking in all hyper and hungry!
I will write again on Friday night following my return. Have a good week, you two!

Anonymous said...

I am back from the coast and loved every minute of it. The food - incredible! The shopping - out of this world! The weather - perfect! The family members - all behaved! The flights - uneventful! The views - amazing! And now - Owatonna is tromping the Austin Packers 48 - 7 at the Homecoming game! Life is good.