Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Tonight we had a treat like no other here in the Desert. DW won tickets at work to a Diamondbacks game and we attended it this evening. They won 9-1 "WOOHOO" It was nice to attend a baseball game where the home team actually WON a game! Seems the last few times we attended a TWINS game in MN they always lost. Tonight was a superb game of baseball. The stadium where they play is AWESOME to say the least. We know why MN is trying so hard to get a new stadium. Once you've been in an updated stadium such as Chase Field, it's easy to see why.

Here is DW & DH enjoying the game. Do you see how BIG our smiles are? This was the right move for us!!

Did we tell you how up to date this stadium is? They actually have a pool and hot tub out in right field that you can rent and use while the game is being played! How cool is that to get a bunch of people together to sit in a hot tub and or pool on the baseball field and watch the game.

All around the stadium as your walking around they have these great murals painted everywhere. It is such a different feel from being in the Metrodome that it would be hard to explain. Also the stadium roof retracts when the weather cools down in about 45 days. We plan on attending one of those games as a memory from DH's past was attending a baseball game at the old met stadium in MN.

Here is an example of the murals that are everywhere around the stadium.

Here is a view from our seats before the game started. We had a couple fly balls head our direction but we were about 14 seats away from the closest one. Oh well, "hit or miss".

Here is the Panda Express mascot throwing the opening pitch out to the Diamondbacks mascot Baxter. Steeeeeeerike!!

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