Monday, January 28, 2008

More BJ photo's - NOT what you think!!

DH wanted to post a few more photos. The Scottsdale auction is over and we are full steam ahead for the Palm Beach auction.

The auction was no sooner over and things started happening like a whirlwind here at West World. This photo is of the main tent where all the cars went across the block. It was simply amazing to say the least of how fast things started happening. The whole site is just about abandoned already. I still can't believe it!! All that work for everyone & it's like it never happened. We created a city in a month and a half and it became a parking lot again in about 5 days.

Here is a photo of where all the vendors were housed. It too is a ghost town. All the tenting has now been completely removed.

DH wanted to post this pic while the auction was actually taking place, but he didn't have access to a laptop back at the hotel. Yes, you are seeing this correctly. It's a watch that normally sells for $465,000 on sale for $372,500. They actually knocked $92,500 off for the auction.
Now, DH & DW are simple folk. We realized that our combined income for the year doesn't equate to the discount applied to the sale of the WATCH!!! It's a WATCH!!! You can't live in it, you can't drive it..........Crazy!!
Oh well...... Sigh....... Pretty sure it's a good watch. LOL!

The Scottsdale auction is officially over for us. We were able to go to dinner together for the first time in over two months. We had a couple of beers and some good laughs.
We miss all of you & wish you were here.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

BJ auction summary

DH wanted to post another blog on the auction. DH & Brother Charlie A.K.A. "STICKER BOY" had an incredible time working with one another. I'm not going to go into great detail about the photos. I'm just going to post them with a little blurb for all to see. Enjoy!!

This is the "SHOWCASE PAVILION". The Best of the Best that were to go across the block.

This is the "VENDOR" area where people sell anything and everything imaginable!! Words can't describe everything that happens at the auction.

This photo was taken from one of our sponsor's sky boxes. It shows how many people are here while the auction is taking place in the main tent. It's amazing!!

Here is a photo of DH & brother Charlie after Robosaurus had to be moved from one place to another. They were actually chased down a road on the site that was large enough to allow Robosaurus to move on his own power, but no one realized how fast he can move. At one point, 9 people were actually running down a road while Robo chased them. That sucker is quick. It was like a live Godzilla movie. They were actually yelling "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES"! Something we will never forget! Too Funny!!

At one point, DH & "STICKER BOY", had a few minutes to try out one of the vendor's foot and back massagers. Ahhhhhhhhhh! It didn't last nearly long enough, but we were able to get a picture to share.
This is all for now on the auction. DH has many photos on his phone he needs to get transferred over. However, tomorrow is Monday and he has to start getting ready for the next auction which takes place in March in Palm Beach, FL.
We wish everyone well!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finally home!

DH is Finally home!
It's the first time in the last 9 days. The auction was INCREDIBLE!!!!!
Words on this blog CAN'T explain the excitement and the amount of effort that everyone who is involved puts forth to pull it off! This will be a quick blog! Enjoy! More photos to follow at a later date.
Please bear with us as we try to sneak a few minutes in to update everyone!

As everyone knows, DW's Dad, Gary, was a HUGE Tony Stewart fan! DH was able to line up a photo shoot for DW that made her cry! DH knew how special this photo op would be and was able to pull it off. It was a VERY special moment for both of us and we will remember forever!!

DW & DH's Brother Charlie A.K.A. "STICKER BOY" as he's become to be known here at B-J had the opportunity to have a quick shot with Goldberg, the infamous wrestler.

We will let things settle down and resume our normal blogs very soon!
We miss you all & love you all!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

Well, here it is, Wednesday night, the 2nd night of the Barrett-Jackson auction and 5th day of the overall event. Saturday, January 12th was the beginning of the action at WestWorld in Scottsdale. DH and his brother have been working crazy long hours and are currently staying in a nice hotel 1 1/2 miles away from the auction site. They'll stay there until Sunday, the last day of the auction.
They moved into in the hotel on last Sunday - DW brought their luggage to the hotel while they were working because they would not have had time to get checked in and drop everything off.
Since then, DW has made 2 additional trips to the hotel to drop off items previously forgotten. :-)
Last Sunday, after dropping off their luggage, DW drove to an off-site parking lot and took the shuttle to WestWorld. DH was able to take a couple of hours off to spend time with DW.
Right after DW arrived at WestWorld, she and DH were able to see Robosaurus in action! This was one of the coolest things DW has seen in a very long time! It was as cool as the jet engine race car, The Green Mamba, her father took her to see when she was 12 years old at Elko Speedway in Elko, MN!
Robosaurus is a 40 foot tall mechanical dinosaur that roars, snarls and breathes fire! He fired up, grabbed a Saturn in it's claws (broke DW's heart because she's previously owned 2 Saturns!), ripped the roof off with it's jaws and set it on fire before dropping it 30 feet to the ground!
Robosaurus is set to cross the auction block on Saturday, and sadly, we know it will not be coming home with us, as cool as it would be to own!
After seeing Robosaurus, we wandered the site to check out the sights and items for sale.
If you need to buy a corporate jet, an outrageously large speedboat or a $500,000 Mercedes, you can find it at Barrett-Jackson! Even Gautier had a booth with jewelry for sale!
One booth DW could have spent hours at had Hollywood memorabilia for sale. Many autographs, original guitars, napkins with lyrics, and even the top to the picnic basket used in the original Wizard of Oz movie, signed by the cast members, was for sale!
DW and DH have taken many photos but can not post them at this time because the memory card is in DH's phone, 20 miles away.
DW will hopefully get that card and be able to post some pics this weekend, before the auction ends.
In the meantime, keep your tv tuned to the Speed channel, where you'll see DH's brother on the auction block!

Friday, January 11, 2008

1968 Plymouth GTX.

Here is a blog about a car DH used to have. Need he say more? We think not!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Things are getting over the top here at West World. It's difficult for DH to drive around the site in his golf cart. People and Vendors everywhere! DH thinks and has been told that in a few more days, walking might be the best option. DH has seen cars, boats, planes, helicopters, and so much more being hauled in to be placed in the vendor locations. DH walked past a Mercedes with a sticker price that was close to $500,000 with a top speed of 210 MPH! "WOAH!"
Here are a few photos shot today.

If you look closely, you'll see Charlie in all his glory working. He was putting up the skins on the tent that the cars go through to get staged before heading to the auction block.
DW stopped by to have a quick tour with DH and was able to see a boat on display called the "INTIMIDATOR". She has eagerly added this to her Christmas wish list for next year!

Here is a photo showing the "BIG-TOP" tents being filled with cars. All day you hear the sounds of these powerful engines and you have to look as they drive through the site.

Here is a "SUPER-BIRD" which has been autographed by "Richard Petty" and caught the eye of DH. He has always wanted to drive one of these because of his love for "MOPARS". Perhaps one day he will......
We miss all of you and wish you were here to feel the excitement brewing. More photos of the happenings to follow.

P.S. It was 71 degrees here today and sunny skies.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Work, Work, Work......

Here it is, a few days until all the excitement hits it's peak. DH & his younger brother, Charlie , are in the thick of things. Today was the busiest we have seen it yet.
Vendors are moving in, the main auction tent is being prepared and things change on a minute by minute basis.
Did we mention cars, cars, cars?! They are beginning to show up everywhere. One minute you look and you see something you haven't seen before, then you turn around and you think to yourself, "Holy Crap, where did that come from?!"
If you take a moment to think how large this site is and imagine every square foot of it changing minute by minute, you can imagine that every corner you turn, you see something new..... It really is quite amazing!
Here are a few photos from today that DH was able to capture while helping the vendors move in and handing out site map drawings to all who needed them.

It has been raining here in the valley for the last few days. It was great to see the sky open up and let us tend to our duties without getting soaked!

DH grew up around the time of the Monkee's and has the matching die-cast car. It was great to see the actual car in person.

Here is a photo showing the actual stage where the cars are auctioned off. It is moving along quite nicely and will look fantastic. Remember, if you click on the photo it will show you a much larger image. More updates to follow.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Update 01-05-08

I thought I'd post a blog on the current events here with Barrett-Jackson. My younger brother Charlie has taken the trip from MN to AZ to work the Barrett-Jackson auction. DH was able to have Charlie join the auction team due in part to some great people that DH works with.
Charlie is over the moon with excitement at the opportunity. Our understanding is he will be working security on the block where the cars actually get auctioned off. He will be in the thick of it all. What an opportunity for him! DH and DW are glad to see family but we know Charlie left his family in MN and we feel bad they couldn't be part of it also.
DH and Charlie checked out some of the cars that showed up today & couldn't pass up a photo op!! We will post more as the auction date gets closer.

Here's a photo of Charlie in DH's golf cart. They zipped all over west world today.

DH couldn't resist having his photo taken by the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazard.

Charlie couldn't resist the "Jesse James - Monster Garage" Jeep Drag car. Pretty impressive!

Also the "Jesse James - Monster Garage" Flying car. Yes this car can actually get off the ground. It's a crazy contraption...

We weren't sure what this actually does, but it looked like a set-up of some sort for Pasta. Notice the LP tank sticking out of a headlight bezel in the front of this Ferrari. Another "Jesse James - Monster Garage" creation.