Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's official - DH has a job!

It was a great day today for DH! He had an interview at 9:00 this morning that he went to and it was over by 10:00. DH thought it went REALLY well! At 1:30 this afternoon, they called and offered him a position! He will be assisting the Sr. Engineer with the design work of their automatic car washes. DH is so excited!

The company is Superior Car Wash. They have been in business since 1971. We had a celebratory meal tonight with 2 nice sized filets, wild rice and sauteed mushrooms. DH looks forward to his new adventure which starts Monday morning.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Praise the Lord! I am thrilled that you are with this firm and look forward to hearing many good comments about working for them. Way to go, neighbor! I am proud of your efforts.

We are settling in after a whirlwind 48 hour trip to D-port and back (that's Davenport Iowa to all of us northerners...). We attended a wedding there, stayed at a charming lodge rightly named, The Lodge, which is done in a very rich, thick German style, complete with white heavily plastered walls, thick dark beams, tons of tapestry fabrics on the walls, furniture, carpeting, canopies over the beds... it was something else! The reception was held at a swank country club called 'The Outing'.. been a long time since I've walked the floors of a place that nice! The Banana drove up from Winona so all four of us were able to go which was nice.

Again, congrats neighbor!

Anonymous said...

How was the first day of work?

T n A said...

It was a fun day of learning. It's very different from what I'm used too. I will adjust fine & will be able to use my 3D modeling skills quite nicely here. Ask me in 4 weeks I'll have a much better idea......

Anonymous said...

You're young.. you'll learn quickly. Anxious to hear more about it. All is well in O-town tonight. Half of my plants succombed to a might frost on Friday night. Oh well.. I am ready for cornstalks, pumpkins and mums. I am harvesting some flower seeds to send you to plant this fall or next spring. I think they will do well in your warmer temps.

charles said...

can't wait for you to install one in my new garage!!! that was very nice of you brother TOM LOL