Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cars, Cars, Cars. Goodguys.

Another day has passed with the Goodguys car show. It was packed with people and cars again! DW attended today while DH was working and she was able to take photos of some great cars. We are both attending again tomorrow, Sunday, because DH doesn't have to work and the both of us can wander around together.
We wish we had a car that we could bring to a show like this. The people here are amazingly friendly and it's a great opportunity to meet people from all over the United States.
Here are a few of the photos DW took while wandering the grounds of Westworld. Enjoy! We'll take more photos tomorrow and share them with you.

This is an official "RATROD" Too cool!

Just a few photos to show you the quality of the cars that attend this event.
A few interesting rides are here, but interesting is always Great in the realm of customs, Resto-mods and classics!

Finally in this last photo, if you look closely above the roof of the truck you see DH's place of employment's motorhome coach. On top of the coach, on the left side, in a black and white shirt is DH who was talking with a co-worker and DW snapped the photo.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good Guys - Scottsdale, AZ.

DH had an exciting day today!
He was asked to work the B-J Booth at the Goodguys Rod & Custom Association car show held at Westworld here in Scottsdale, AZ.
Of course he "hemmed and hawed" at the thought of having to work..... Sigh! You know DH - he NEVER wants to work. :-)

DH arrived at Westworld early this morning to help with the final set-up before the gates opened up at 8 a.m. We had 4 cars on display that will be auctioned off in January.

We had the B-J Motorcoach with the cars on either side of it, tables in front to hand out poster calendars and an observation deck above to overlook the fields of cars below.
The number of cars that showed up was Amazing!
Even crazier is that all the cars arrive by 8:00 a.m. and all leave at 5:00 p.m. They all do this each of the 3 days of the show. "CRAZY"!!!
The sound of Horsepower, the smell of Unburnt fuel in the air, and the vibrations felt in your body as some of these incredible pieces of art roll by makes any car "ADDICT" smile as if in a ZEN like state.
DH is so upset that he has to get up and do it all over again tomorrow morning, Saturday.
Oh the Inhumanity!! LOL!

A shot from above the Motorcoach.

Another shot from above the Coach.

Another shot from above the Coach. Look at all the cars. Amazing!!
Remember they all have to leave at the end of the day and return in the A.M.

Oh Yeah, I almost forgot. We even have our own blimp to fly. We had to fill it with Helium. Let's just say that step alone is it's own adventure. LOL!

Here's the Goodguys Car of the Year for the West Coast for 2008. "SAH-WEEEEEEEEEEEET"

DW will be joining DH at the car show tomorrow and DH will take more pictures to share.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rain Delay

Today was the day of the 2nd to last Nascar race of the season here in the Phoenix area at the Phoenix International Raceway.
We attended the race last year but decided to take a pass this year.
Good thing we did!
The race started at 1:45 and had about 1/2 hour rain delay from 2:30 to 3. It didn't look too bad on tv.
Well, we found out differently!
About 1/2 hour after the race resumed, the storm hit our house!
There was actually Thunder!
DW took the following picture thinking we'd only get a few sprinkles but it was pretty exciting! We don't remember the last time we had rain fall!

Well, the sky opened and in just a few short minutes, there was actually hail! DW had been upstairs checking to make sure the rain wasn't coming in the windows we had opened when she noticed hail on the neighbors roof! She high-tailed it downstairs, yelling "it's hailing!" and grabbed the camera to get the following picture. This is a rug that is just outside our back door under the patio overhang.

Meanwhile, the rain poured down!

After the rain had stopped, DW stepped out the front door and surveyed the clouds. She took the following pictures and only after about 30 seconds outside, there was a lightning strike too close for comfort! DW ran back inside and slammed the front door! And yelled "Holy S%#$, Holy $%^%!"
But she managed to snap the following pictures showing the storm as it passed us.

It had been cloudy most of today. We're so used to it being sunny everyday that when it's cloudy, it's just weird. But we manage!
We hope everyone is keeping safe and warm in Minnesota!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Incredible Dining Experience

Tonight, we decided to treat ourselves by dining out. The whole first year we lived in Phoenix, we would drive by a newer seafood restaurant on a daily basis. We had heard wonderful things about their food, so tonight we decided to give this restaurant a try.
Neither of us are huge seafood fans, but we will eat fish and we'd been told they also have steaks on the menu.
We went early, about 5:45 p.m. and when we entered the restaurant, we only saw 4 other tables with patrons. But on the other half of the restaurant, there were approximately 30 people in the bar area. We were seated in an elegant booth in the dining room and opened our menus.
Before we had a chance to review the menu, our server placed a bowl of tortilla chips and a dish of salsa on our table. We looked at each other with raised eyebrows. So this is how seafood places operate now? Apparently they weren't so much a seafood place as a mexican food place.
Ok, we'll go with that.
DH ordered a taco salad and DW ordered a balsamic chicken wrap. Our server was very prompt and attentive. Our food arrived after a short wait and we enjoyed it. The food I mean.
Our dining experience just seemed to get weirder and weirder. There was a gentleman who had apparently been outside holding a sign advertising the restaurant and now decided that he needed to be in the restaurant and loudly claiming that the fact there were 5 whole tables of guests was because of him and his work.
Ok. We'll let that one go.
One of the waiters brought 3 balloons to children seated at a table behind us. Once again, we looked at each other and waited for the inevitable.
Yup, about 2 minutes later, one of the balloons hit a sharp decoration hanging from the wall and popped. From the kitchen, we heard one of the employees say he thought it sounded like gunfire coming from the dining room.
Ok, once again, we let it go.
Neither of us had finished our dinner when our waitress brought our check and told us she would take care of it when we were ready. But there was no hurry.
Really? Seriously? Ok.
We decided not to rush since there were still 20+ empty tables in the restaurant and we figured they didn't Really need ours RIGHT NOW!!
After finishing her chicken wrap, DW was eating the seasoned fries on her plate when one of the waiters came over and asked if she was finished and could he take her plate?
DW looked at him and finished chewing the fries in her mouth before replying "no, I'm sorry. I'm not done yet."
Seriously? Seriously??
Ok, we let that one go too.
We couldn't stop giggling now though! It just kept getting better!!
After another waitress came by and asked DW if she was finished with her plate (yes, she was, finally). Instead of taking the plate, the waitress said she'd be right back to get it.
So now, they Really Don't want to take the plate!
A table of 4 was soon seated behind DH and one of them asked the waitress where all the seafood had gone from the menu. We heard the waitress tell them that the restaurant had gone through 3 menu changes since she'd been there. We didn't hear how long that had been but apparently it was a relatively short time.
Our plates were finally cleared from the table and a young waiter stopped by our table and asked how we enjoyed the food. We both said the food was good. The waiter felt some inexplicable need to tell us that he'd like to order some food but he loaned $20 to his friend and now his gas tank is near empty and "Holy Crap", he doesn't have any money!
As we left the restaurant, we were still giggling and told each other that next time, we have to remind each other to "Turn it off!" Our Freak magnet, that is!!
Life is one constant adventure!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh, The Embarrassment!!

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!
Lots of ghouls and goblins made a quick stop at the Jarvi household for Halloween candy last night. From 6:30 to 8:00, we had about 50 trick-or-treaters show up at our house. The funniest one was a young man about 12 years old who was dressed as a zombie mummy with lots of wrapping hanging down over his face. After a handful of candy was dropped into his outstretched pillowcase, DW observed him actually sticking his face into his the pillowcase. DW looked to his companion who explained that he can't see through his costume. She grabbed his elbow to turn him around to leave and realized he really couldn't see!
And here are our 2 dogs, they were feeling the Halloween spirit as well as a Ballerina and a Pumpkin!

Or NOT! It's almost like they're embarrassed or something!
But DW thinks they look Adorable! And the tiara on Phoebe's head lasted about 3 seconds after the picture was taken! Yes, DW is one of THOSE people! But just see how cute they are!
Ok, back to reality.
A couple of weekends ago, DW drove to Las Vegas to support DH during the latest auction. And DW learned the hard way that you don't wave to someone to get their attention while you're sitting on an auction floor. All is fine, no car was actually bought and other than that one time, DW had a Great time wandering around the auction! Lots of wonderful cars, cool memorabilia and even drifting! The room that DH had was on the 27th floor of Mandalay Bay and had a Great view of the drifting track and the car tents. Here's a view from the room taken at night.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget that Daylight Savings Times ends early Sunday morning. So those of our friends back in good ole' Minnesota, don't forget to change your clocks and gain an hour of sleep!