Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh, The Embarrassment!!

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!
Lots of ghouls and goblins made a quick stop at the Jarvi household for Halloween candy last night. From 6:30 to 8:00, we had about 50 trick-or-treaters show up at our house. The funniest one was a young man about 12 years old who was dressed as a zombie mummy with lots of wrapping hanging down over his face. After a handful of candy was dropped into his outstretched pillowcase, DW observed him actually sticking his face into his the pillowcase. DW looked to his companion who explained that he can't see through his costume. She grabbed his elbow to turn him around to leave and realized he really couldn't see!
And here are our 2 dogs, they were feeling the Halloween spirit as well as a Ballerina and a Pumpkin!

Or NOT! It's almost like they're embarrassed or something!
But DW thinks they look Adorable! And the tiara on Phoebe's head lasted about 3 seconds after the picture was taken! Yes, DW is one of THOSE people! But just see how cute they are!
Ok, back to reality.
A couple of weekends ago, DW drove to Las Vegas to support DH during the latest auction. And DW learned the hard way that you don't wave to someone to get their attention while you're sitting on an auction floor. All is fine, no car was actually bought and other than that one time, DW had a Great time wandering around the auction! Lots of wonderful cars, cool memorabilia and even drifting! The room that DH had was on the 27th floor of Mandalay Bay and had a Great view of the drifting track and the car tents. Here's a view from the room taken at night.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget that Daylight Savings Times ends early Sunday morning. So those of our friends back in good ole' Minnesota, don't forget to change your clocks and gain an hour of sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yawn.. Good Morning my southwestern neighbors! It DID feel good to get an extra hour of sleep, although DH did not really enjoy an extra hour of work! Oh well.. Our snow last Sunday only lasted a short time and Miss Graces' gimpy leg was back to normal the following day. Supposed to be very pleasant the next few days and then - Thursday - apparently the bottom is going to drop out and get cold.. ahh..autumn in MN. Cute pictures of the dogs! Not quite sure why Phoebe wouldn't want to continue wearing the tiara...? I had about the same number of kids. A couple of them said to me, "hey, good costume!" My reply was, "uh, this is my work uniform!" An even better costume was the guy dressed up like a policeman!

A- glad to hear that you attended the auction! What a thrill that must have been! I am envious!