Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cars, Cars, Cars. Goodguys.

Another day has passed with the Goodguys car show. It was packed with people and cars again! DW attended today while DH was working and she was able to take photos of some great cars. We are both attending again tomorrow, Sunday, because DH doesn't have to work and the both of us can wander around together.
We wish we had a car that we could bring to a show like this. The people here are amazingly friendly and it's a great opportunity to meet people from all over the United States.
Here are a few of the photos DW took while wandering the grounds of Westworld. Enjoy! We'll take more photos tomorrow and share them with you.

This is an official "RATROD" Too cool!

Just a few photos to show you the quality of the cars that attend this event.
A few interesting rides are here, but interesting is always Great in the realm of customs, Resto-mods and classics!

Finally in this last photo, if you look closely above the roof of the truck you see DH's place of employment's motorhome coach. On top of the coach, on the left side, in a black and white shirt is DH who was talking with a co-worker and DW snapped the photo.

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