Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Arizona Renaissance Festival

We had a great day today. We awoke early to the neighbor's dog barking and decided to get away for the day and go to the Renaissance Festival.
It's about 1-1/2 hour drive from our house. We thought this would be a perfect day for it. We arrived and thought how different it was to see mountains in the background as opposed to corn fields.

The feel of the Festival was close to what we had experienced in Minnesota but it felt much more roomy. I think it had to have been 3 times the size. The same types of people dressed in costume wandering and parading themselves throughout.
Some, however, should NOT have been wearing what they were! Can you say bright, yellow sun, Heat, and sweat! Brings a picture to our minds we can't soon forget.
We had a great time and look forward to attending again next year.
Here are some photos of what we experienced. Enjoy!

When we first arrived, we ran across a rather large woman sitting and turning some large birds above a fire pit and other maids cooking side dishes. In the background sits a woman of royalty who made sure you knew it!

Here is a Harpist we found playing her Troubador harp. We got a cold beverage and listened. DH was chomping at the bit to have some fun with her, but he resisted and enjoyed her playing. It was nice to hear some harp music. DH hasn't played a harp since we got married. He's itching to play!

The belly Dancers were AMAZING! They move ever so gracefully to the beat of the music. Hell they weren't bad looking either. DW pulled DH's shirt several times to lead him away. Oh wait! That was the other way around. DW has tried this at one point and knew how difficult the controlled movements truly are. She loves to watch the professionals. We spent QUITE some time here enjoying ummmm the music!! :-)

They even had Vegetable Justice. The difference being, they say WHATEVER they want here. Cuss words included. It was quite humorous!! We actually heard the guy say to a woman "it's nice to finally see you with your ankles below your head"! The entire audience just groaned "Ohhhhhhhhhh.................."!

We checked out the Jousting show, INCREDIBLE!!!

Not sure what this pic was for????? DW I think wanted a photo of his butt?? (side note from DW - the pirate characters had kidnapped the mayor and his wife and were going to blow them up. Notice the line of gunpowder and the flame in the lower right corner.)

They had some ROCKING bag pipe players. They put on a whole musical production that included some ROCK!! They were incredible! As they said in the show "IF IT'S NOT SCOTTISH - IT'S CRAP!"

Here we are just before we left. Notice the sky in the background. Not a cloud. It was 84 Degrees today! Ahhhhhhhh...........


Anonymous said...

awwww... looks like you two had a fabulous day! Seems odd to have a Renaissance Festival in March, however. Great pictures of all the activity at the Fair. Excitement around MN this last week included the last day you could have your fish house on the ice. 40* and rain expected for later today! The Banana is home from Winona for a week (spring break) and hopefully to secure a job for this spring/summer. The Boo-Boo turned 4 on February 29th and next week she gets her drivers license! I think she'll use the Saturn for the test, too! I'm busy with weekly and soon nightly rehearsals for the musical at church for Easter. A bit challenging learning all the spoken lines plus music as well~ but we're having a great time doing it and too soon it will be over.

It's 39 now (10a.m.), the sun is shining brightly and I'm planning on a great day with family! Hope your day goes well, too.

Anonymous said...

In Mn we walk the festival in mud because it always rains alot at that time of the year and swat at bees the whole time. Bet you really enjoyed it without the bees eh?