Thursday, March 27, 2008

West palm Beach, FL.

Just a quick note since it's late here in Florida - 11:00 p.m. Florida time, 8:00 p.m. Arizona time.
The auction started today and has gone very well. Lots of great cars went across the block.
When I return to my lovely wife and normality in a week, I will share some great photos I have taken.
Tonight after the auction ended, I had my photo taken "On The Block".
Sold it, Sold it, Sold it!!!!

Here are the photos of me "On The Block".
Not the best shots, but we had to take them quick. After the first full day of auction, many things behind the scenes will need to be tweaked.
I will try to show myself on cam on Saturday. I know many of you have been looking for me on t.v., but it's not quite as easy as one might think.

Hope all is well with each and everyone of you!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quick Update

Well, we know it's been several weeks since we last posted a blog, but life has been somewhat hectic. Wonderful but hectic!
We had 2 very close friends, Kaza and Frenchie, come to visit us for their spring break. They arrived Sunday, March 9th and were here through Friday, March 14th.
It was SO great to have them here! We were able to spend all day Sunday with them, once Frenchie got some sleep since he had to work the night before!
The day they arrived, we decided to tour open houses and found some amazing dream homes that come complete with guest houses!
Ah, Someday!!
We also took them to our favorite restaurant in Scottsdale called Tommy Bahamas. Their burgers are Great and we're always treated Wonderfully there!
During the week, they both were up early and took DW to work, then spent their days exploring, hiking and sightseeing. They took some Amazing photos of their adventures and you can view them on their blog - the link is in the upper right corner of our blog.
They left, then 2 days later, DW drove DH to the airport so he could catch his flight to West Palm Beach, Fl. He'll be there until April 3 for the next auction.
Right now he's doing the prep work to get ready for the auction which starts next Wednesday and lasts for 4 days.
So DW is spending her evenings at home, talking to the dogs.
They're slightly confused but will get over it.
Sorry there's no pictures for this post, but I'll work on getting some online soon.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Arizona Renaissance Festival

We had a great day today. We awoke early to the neighbor's dog barking and decided to get away for the day and go to the Renaissance Festival.
It's about 1-1/2 hour drive from our house. We thought this would be a perfect day for it. We arrived and thought how different it was to see mountains in the background as opposed to corn fields.

The feel of the Festival was close to what we had experienced in Minnesota but it felt much more roomy. I think it had to have been 3 times the size. The same types of people dressed in costume wandering and parading themselves throughout.
Some, however, should NOT have been wearing what they were! Can you say bright, yellow sun, Heat, and sweat! Brings a picture to our minds we can't soon forget.
We had a great time and look forward to attending again next year.
Here are some photos of what we experienced. Enjoy!

When we first arrived, we ran across a rather large woman sitting and turning some large birds above a fire pit and other maids cooking side dishes. In the background sits a woman of royalty who made sure you knew it!

Here is a Harpist we found playing her Troubador harp. We got a cold beverage and listened. DH was chomping at the bit to have some fun with her, but he resisted and enjoyed her playing. It was nice to hear some harp music. DH hasn't played a harp since we got married. He's itching to play!

The belly Dancers were AMAZING! They move ever so gracefully to the beat of the music. Hell they weren't bad looking either. DW pulled DH's shirt several times to lead him away. Oh wait! That was the other way around. DW has tried this at one point and knew how difficult the controlled movements truly are. She loves to watch the professionals. We spent QUITE some time here enjoying ummmm the music!! :-)

They even had Vegetable Justice. The difference being, they say WHATEVER they want here. Cuss words included. It was quite humorous!! We actually heard the guy say to a woman "it's nice to finally see you with your ankles below your head"! The entire audience just groaned "Ohhhhhhhhhh.................."!

We checked out the Jousting show, INCREDIBLE!!!

Not sure what this pic was for????? DW I think wanted a photo of his butt?? (side note from DW - the pirate characters had kidnapped the mayor and his wife and were going to blow them up. Notice the line of gunpowder and the flame in the lower right corner.)

They had some ROCKING bag pipe players. They put on a whole musical production that included some ROCK!! They were incredible! As they said in the show "IF IT'S NOT SCOTTISH - IT'S CRAP!"

Here we are just before we left. Notice the sky in the background. Not a cloud. It was 84 Degrees today! Ahhhhhhhh...........