Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"Space Invaders"

Well It's beginning to look & smell like spring is in the air. We thought we could contribute to the smells of spring by having our first barbeque of the season. We had 2 T-bones to die for just ready to hit the warmth of the grill deck. As DW prepared the seasoning & fixens to go with our delectable steaks, DH tended to the grill. After about 2 minutes outside, DH opens the back door yelling to DW to come & see the surprise he found in the grill. Behold the Invaders (red squirrels) had taken over the grill as the new Hollywood Hilton. We'd never seen so much grass packed in such a small place. It was amazing to say the least. First when did they start this little construction process? Secondly, where did they get all the grass from? Nothing was noticeable around the yard to show that some building materials had been stolen. After inspecting the roominess of the Hilton Cottage, we ended up moving the grass to the back of the lot because we found 4 babies snuggled tight amongst themselves in the pillow top comfort. We are still amazed at the amount of time it must have took to move all that building material & yet DH & DW had no clue of the palace being erected in the neighborhood.

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