Friday, June 27, 2008

"Current wildfire in Phoenix, AZ named the Ethan Fire."

A fire has been burning here in Phoenix now for the last couple days. It was started by a lightning strike in the first storm of the "MONSOON" season on Wednesday.
Some of you have inquired if we've seen the fire and smoke.

Here are a few photos showing what we can see from our house.

Photo "BY DW" showing the smoke plume rising towards the night sky

Photo "BY DW" showing the smoke in the sky. The smoke is actually causing it's own atmospheric conditions. If you click on the photo you will notice in the middle of the photo, a UFO was checking out the fire as well. We have EVERYTHING here in Phoenix!!

The fire is located near Avondale, AZ. In relationship to where we are located, it's roughly 25 miles due South from our home.
Tonight on the news they are reporting that the fire is approaching a neighborhood in Avondale and that the residents may have to be evacuated. Avondale is where DH and DW spent their honeymoon. This is the area we initially wanted to live in. Now after being here for close to a year, we are certainly glad that we aren't in that city!

The photos below were taken off a local news website. They give you a better perspective of what it's like.

This photo better shows the amount of smoke the fire is causing.

This photo shows the smoke in the air and a HUGE "MONSOON" brewing in the background. This is such a GREAT shot. We wish we would have been the ones to take it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great update..we worry about you guys so appreciated the great photos.UFO's, Monsoons,bugs that glow, lizards whose tails come off, You really do have it all. Stay safe!DM